Here, at religious places like Kashi, Gaya and Prayag, puja is organized with simplicity, where the amount of Dakshina is minimal. Its objective is to ensure that the importance of worship lies in reverence and faith and not in money.

Kashi = Banaras = Varanasi

"Kashi," "Banaras," and "Varanasi" are all names for the same city in India, located on the banks of the Ganges River, considered one of the holiest places in Hinduism; essentially, they refer to the same place with slightly different nuances, where "Kashi" emphasizes the spiritual significance, "Banaras" highlights the cultural richness, and "Varanasi" is the modern administrative name used today;.


Considered the most spiritual name, signifying the city as the "City of Light" and the abode of Lord Shiva, where Hindus believe dying there can lead to liberation (moksha);


Represents the city's cultural vibrancy, known for its rich history, art, crafts, and music traditions;


The contemporary name used on maps and in government, derived from the geographical location between the Varuna and Assi rivers.


Religious Significance: :

Ghats on the Ganges :

Assi Ghat :

Ramnagar Fort :